Category: Sermon Outlines

Sermon outlines and audio sermons by Kevin Cauley preached at the New Boston Church of Christ.

  • The Christian’s Inheritance

    In this lesson, we will discuss the Christian’s inheritance: 1) Who Gets it, 2) How they get it, 3) When and Where they get it, and 4) What do they get? Each person should understand the Christian’s inheritance. Each person may be motivated to receive this great inheritance.

  • The Good Shepherd

    The Good Shepherd cares for the sheep by 1) Warning them concerning dangers to the flock, 2) Guarding the entrance and exit to the fold, and 3) Laying down His life for the sheep. Each listener should be able to state how the Good Shepherd warns concerning dangers to the flock, guards the entrance and exit to the fold, and lays down His life for the sheep. The aim of this lesson is to emphasize our constant need to be vigilant against the enemy by following the Good Shepherd.

  • Loving Our Enemies

    Christians have an obligation to love their enemies because 1) Jesus Christ Taught It 2) God the Father Exemplifies It 3) People Need It. Each listener should understand that God expects us to love our enemies. Loving our enemies is a uniquely Christian behavior that shows others the truth of Jesus Christ.

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    Eternity Matters

    Eternity matters because 1) God is Real, 2) Life is Short, 3) Heaven and Hell are Forever. Each listener should understand why and that eternity matters and order his life based on this truth.

  • Lepers

    The Thankful Leper

    In this story of salvation, Jesus heals ten lepers. We will study this story seeking to learn about Jesus and the salvation He offers. We need to identify with the lowest of the lepers to honor Jesus best.

  • What is love?

    Unity Matters

    In this lesson we will set forth three reasons why unity matters. 1) Unity is the Lord’s Prayer for the Church. 2) Unity is Essential to the Church. 3) Unity is of the Holy Spirit. Each Christian should desire to have unity within the body of Christ. This lesson seeks to teach God's plan for unity among believers and to help all come to a better understanding of what this means.

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    The Christian and Revenge

    Jesus teaches us that the Christian should not adopt any level of revenge against the evil whether 1) Retaliation, 2) Resentment, or 3) Reluctance. Each person ought to understand that revenge at any level is sinful and ought not to be practiced by the Christian. This lesson will focus on Matthew 5:38-42 and what Jesus taught about revenge.

  • The Bible vs. The Koran

    In this lesson we will briefly notice what the Koran teaches and what the Bible teaches about Jesus, the Bible, Peace and War, and Heaven. Each hearer should know that the Islamic religion is not as innocuous as the politically correct make it out to be. The aim of this lesson is to help us understand more regarding the religion of Islam and how to refute it.

  • faithful fathers

    Families Matter

    In this lesson we will talk about how families matter. We will discuss how each member of the family matters: 1) Father and Husband, 2) Mother and Wife, 3) Children, 4) Grandparents. Each person should be able to state what their role is in the family as God would have it and cite supporting scripture to say why it matters. To support and encourage each person to let them know that they matter as they fulfill their role in the family.

  • Supporting our Gospel Meeting

    In this lesson we will study four ways in which every person can support our gospel meeting. Each hearer should be able to take these four points and go out and use them to support our gospel meeting. I want to encourage each member to get out and support our gospel meeting.