Category: Sermon Outlines

Sermon outlines and audio sermons by Kevin Cauley preached at the New Boston Church of Christ.

  • church

    The Church Matters

    The church matters because the church is 1) God’s Plan 2) Christ’s Body, 3) Saved People. Each person should be able to explain why the church matters. This lesson teaches that the church is God’s only plan for human fellowship and unity.

  • Speaking in Tongues

    This lesson will look at questions regarding speaking in tongues, 1) What was speaking in tongues? 2) Who could speak in tongues? 3) When and Where did they speak in tongues, and 4) Why did they speak in tongues? Each hearer should be able to explain what speaking in tongues was and their purpose. This lesson seeks to disabuse the notion that speaking in tongues is something unintelligible and contemporary.

  • The Heart of the Matter – Adultery/Lust

    Jesus’ teaches 1) Intentions, 2) Imperatives and 3) Implications to get to the heart of the seventh commandment. Each hearer should be able to explain how Jesus’ teaching goes deeper than the surface of the seventh commandment. God desires us to be faithful in our heart, not just in external appearances.

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    Let the Lower Lights be Burning

    In this lesson, we will look at the song “Let the Lower Lights be Burning” and note 1) God is the great lighthouse, 2) Christians are the lesser lights, 3) Sin is darkness that drowns men in perdition, 4) Christians must shine the light of the gospel to bring them into shore. Each person should understand the meaning of the song lyrics and how scripture teaches us to be evangelistic.

  • worship god

    Worship Matters

    We want to study that worship matters when we have the correct object, the correct attitudes, and the correct actions. Everyone should be able to explain that worship matters when we worship as God desires. To impress upon each hearer the necessity of letting God define our worship.

  • Do All Things without Murmuring and Disputings

    In this lesson, we will look at the 1) Command, 2) Category, 3) Consequence of doing all things without murmuring and disputings. Each hearer should understand what it means to obey this command. Christians should be so focused on demonstrating their faith that murmuring and disputing will not exist.

  • jesus

    What do You Know about Gethsemane to Golgotha?

    In this lesson we will answer three questions: 1) What is Gethsemane and Golgotha? 2) What happened between Gethsemane and Golgotha? 3) What do we need to know about Gethsemane to Golgotha? Each person should basically know what happened from Gethsemane to Golgotha and why we need to know about it.

  • How can God Justify Man by Faith? – Romans 4

    God justifies man by faith in the same way Abraham is justified by faith and 1) Abraham Trusted God, Not Self (1-8), 2) Abraham Believed being Uncircumcised (9-12), 3) Abraham Believed before the Law (13-16), 4) Abraham trusted in the sure word of God (17-24). Each hearer will become familiar with the message of the book of Romans.

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    The Heart of the Matter – Anger/Murder

    Jesus teaches differences, dangers, and directives to get to the heart of the sixth commandment. Each listener should be able to explain how Jesus’ teaching goes deeper than the surface of the sixth commandment. Each person should understand that God desires us to be faithful in our heart, not just in external appearances.

  • Psalms

    The Excellence and Glory of God

    The Excellence and Glory of God is seen to be above 1) The Heavens, 2) His Enemies, 3) The Earth. Each person should understand that God is glorified in His creation by the purposes that He established and that nothing can thwart those purposes.

  • clean heart

    How Prioritizing God Changes Us

    In this lesson we will notice three ways prioritizing God changes our lives: 1) Self is not Central, 2) Life is Larger, 3) People are Precious. I hope that each listener understands that prioritizing God has significant consequences for life and makes our life better.

  • Giving Matters

    In this lesson, we will look at why giving matters from Malachi 3:8-10. 1) God Owns Everything, 2) We hurt ourselves when we don’t give, 3) When we give, God gives Himself. Each person should understand that giving is important and that we need to do it to be faithful to the Lord.

  • birth of christ

    The Immanuel Prophecies

    In this lesson, we will discuss the Immanuel prophecies of Isaiah 7-12. The hearer will understand that God revealed key characteristics of the Messiah/Christ in Isaiah 7-12 and how Jesus fulfilled them. I hope to encourage people to think more about messianic prophecy.