
The building of the New Boston Church of Christ.

The Church of Christ in New Boston had its beginning in the summer of 1945.  A small group of determined and sincere Christians from New Boston, Hooks, and Maud joined together to form the congregation of the Lord’s Church, with a goal to worship the Lord in spirit and truth, and to teach the Gospel.  The first meeting place was located in the administration building of the Red River Courts.  There was among these Christians a sincere love for the Church and a strong will to work.  From this small and simple beginning, the Lord’s Church began to grow.  In just a few years, another meeting place was needed.  This need was met by the purchase of a residence located on Center Street in New Boston.  This building was modified to accommodate their needs and served as a meeting placed until 1956.  By this time, the congregational growth demanded a larger facility.  The old building was relocated on the west side of the property for use as a classroom building, and a new brick building was erected.  This facility was utilized until 1974.

The Church elders had a vision of growth and looked to the future when more space and larger facilities would be required.  Land was purchased on Highway 8 with plans in mind of building a minister’s home and a new church building.  The minister’s home was built in the fall of 1967, and was occupied first by Bro. Roger Turner and family in 1968.

The Church continued to grow and in the early 1970’s, it was evident that the time had come to construct a new and larger building.  Many plans were considered before a final design was approved and a contract let in 1973.  The present facility was occupied in February 1974.  These new facilities were made possible by many sacrifices and hard work by the members of the congregation.  A burning desire for the Lord’s people to have a new building caused Sister Jennie E. Lloyd to will one-fourth of her estate to the Church.  Brother G. B. and Sister Lucille Jordan shared this desire, and willed their entire estate to the Church.  In both cases, neither lived to see their dreams fulfilled.  Thanks to the love for Christ and His Church these Christians had, the Church continues to accomplish many of it goals.

The Christians of New Boston have had from the beginning a missionary spirit.  Mission programs, locally and throughout the world, have always been important in the New Boston Church.  One such program worthy of mention was the establishment of a congregation of Christians in Naples, Texas.  In 1960, under the guidance of the New Boston elders and with support from several area congregations, land was purchased, a building constructed, and a group of Christians met in Naples, Texas for the first time.  In just a short time this congregation was self-supporting and continues to be an active congregation today.  The missionary spirit continues today in the New Boston Church.  Presently, support – financially and spiritually – is provided to several domestic and foreign mission efforts.

From its organization, the Church in New Boston has had faithful gospel preachers to meet the needs of the congregation.  During the early years, these needs were met by part-time ministers.  These men, Bro. Pratter, Bro. Hennan Burnhan and Bro. Charles Fuller, were among those serving as part-time ministers, providing the bonding to help the congregation grow and become strong in the service of the Lord.  In 1953, the Church had need for a full-time minister to serve the congregation.  Brother John Davis wrote the first chapter of full-time gospel preachers for the Church.  Several other preachers have provided faithful and spiritual service towards the development of the New Boston Church.  Some of the other preachers have been: Leon Watson, Gene Earl Jester, Carol Burcham, Roy Balkcom, Roger Turner, Bob Green, Robert Rochellem, Weldon Farrar, Don Hartsell, Marvin Weir, Aven Hook, Steve McIntosh, and Norman Hooten.  Kevin Cauley currently serves as the full-time minister since October of 2014.

The Lord has directed the appointment of elders to lead or oversee the needs of the congregation.  The strength of the New Boston Church of Christ can be attributed to the capable leadership provided over these many years.  The elders have been a group of men with a great love for the Church and with a strong desire to see the New Boston congregation expand in spiritual strength and increased numbers in its membership.  Several dedicated and faithful men have provided leadership for this congregation.  Our former elders are: Roy Chelf, Aubrey Higginbotham, James Boswell, Theo Johnson, Dock Towery, Eulan Robins, R. B. Turner, Weaver Mills, Bo Johnson, Wyndell Robertson, and John Inman.

The current leadership for this congregation consists of men with the same desires and dedication to see the continued growth of the New Boston Church of Christ.  The present eldership consists of: John David Thomas, Russell Tyndell, and Johnny Thomas.  They are assisted by the following men serving as deacons: Blake Tyndell, Jamey Thomas, and Jody Thomas.

In 2024, the congregation celebrated its 50th anniversary at its present location on N McCoy Blvd with a homecoming service. Brother Robert Rochelle spoke at the service on the topic, “What would it take to last another fifty years?” The service was well attended with friends and family from the past and present.

The future of the New Boston Church of Christ depends on us – its members, and on how well we serve the Lord.  The Church has many challenges to meet, teach the gospel, serve mission programs, benevolence programs, and to stand up for the Church.

May God, our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, be our constant companion as we move forward to do His will in our lives.

Adapted from Jimmy Boswell

Updated April 2024