The Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are one of the most influential historical documents that exists.  They are found in Exodus 20.  They were given by Moses to the children of Israel after they escaped from Egyptian captivity.  God spoke these directly to the people when they were originally announced.  When we read them in the Bible, they are given in a certain context, but they also have some universal application.  What are the Ten Commandments, what do they say, and what can we learn from them today?  These are the questions that we explore in this sermon series on the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments

  1. The First Commandment – No Other Gods
  2. The Second Commandment – Idolatry
  3. The Third Commandment – The Lord’s Name
  4. The Fourth Commandment – Remember the Sabbath
  5. The Fifth Commandment – Honor Thy Father and Mother
  6. The Sixth Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Murder
  7. The Seventh Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
  8. The Eighth Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Steal
  9. The Ninth Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
  10. The Tenth Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Covet