Tag: israel

  • ignorance

    The Danger of Ignorance

    In this lesson we want to discuss the danger of ignorance. We will answer the questions: 1) What is Ignorance and its Causes, 2) What are the Consequences of Ignorance, and 3) How can we Change. The hearer should learn that spiritual ignorance is costly and seek to avoid it. This lesson will inform concerning dangers to our spirituality and life.

  • friend

    God Speaks to Our Friends

    In this lesson, we will look at the fact that God speaks to our friends and some things that God has to say to our friends. Each should be able to tell their friends some basic things God has said to them. I want to help make our members more confident about evangelizing their friends.

  • revelation

    Preparing for the King – A Study of Revelation 10-11

    In Revelation 10-11 we see preparations made for the coming of the King and His kingdom. These preparations include 1) The Completion of the Mystery of God, 2) The Committing of God’s Message to the Prophets/Apostles, 3) The Coming of the Two Witnesses, 4) The Coronation of the Messiah. The hearer should be able to explain that the events of Revelation 10-11 are preparatory for the coronation of the Messiah. I hope that the listener will have a better understanding of Revelation 10-11.

  • Life After Death

    The Rich Man and Lazarus and Life After Death

    In this lesson we will study the story of the rich man and Lazarus and notice: 1) The characters, 2) The circumstances, 3) The cries of the rich man, 4) The conclusions of the story. Each listener should be able to understand the story, repeat it, and explain it. I hope to to familiarize everyone with this story and teach its lessons so as not to fall into similar circumstances as the rich man.

  • faithful

    Why Love the Law of God?

    We should love the law of God because: 1) It Gives Us Understanding, 2) It Makes us Upright, 3) It is Uplifting. Each listener should understand what spiritual benefits come from loving the law of God as set forth in Psalm 119:97-104. I hope that each would renew their love for God’s law.

  • judging

    The Last Will be First and the First Last – A Sermon on Judging

    The kingdom of God is composed of people not expected by men because 1) Men judge based on appearances only, 2) Men do not believe in God’s mercy and grace, 3) Men Make Cheap Sacrifices thinking that will be pleasing to God. Each listener should understand that it is God who sets the standard for who enters His kingdom, not us. I hope that we would seek to understand what God’s standard for the kingdom is so that we can conform to it being a people that doesn’t judge based on appearances, that show true mercy and grace to others, and that understand that we must make real sacrifices.

  • repent

    They Did Not Repent – Revelation 8-9

    God has made extraordinary efforts to encourage humanity to repent. In this lesson, we will look at how Revelation 8-9 teach this truth through the limited judgments that God has used on the earth. The hearer should understand that the world is designed in such a way as to bring suffering humanity to repentance for their sins, and that when we don’t repent, we create great suffering in our lives. I want to teach Revelation 8-9 and show the relationship of these verses to the Old Testament prophets and their call for people to repent.

  • mother

    Praising the Maker of Mothers

    We praise the Maker of our mothers because He made our mothers to be 1) Kind, 2) Compassionate, and 3) Caring. Each listener should be able to understand why God made mothers and the importance of their role within the home.

  • jesus

    Jesus Died on the Cross to Bring Unity for Mankind in the Church

    In this lesson, we will study why Jesus died on the cross. To understand that Jesus brings unity to mankind in the church, we must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand that Jesus died on the cross to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand that Jesus died on the cross to bring unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.