Tag: Faith

  • Loving God's Word

    What is the Bible?

    In this lesson, we will seek to answer the question, “What is the Bible.” 1) It means “book.” 2) It is a book of books. 3) It is the word of God. 4) It is the story of God’s work to save man through His Son Jesus Christ. This lesson is designed to help everyone understand what the Bible is. The aim of this lesson is to answer the question “What is the Bible?”

  • new year

    What Will I Make of the New Year?

    What will I make of the New Year? I will make it a year of 1) love, 2) service, 3) optimism. Each should resolve to make this New Year a year of love, service, and optimism. The aim of this lesson is to exhort each Christian to make the best of this new year that they can make of it!

  • Escape from the Fiery Furnace

    As we think about escaping from the fiery furnace, 1) we face the threat of the fiery furnace, 2) we may be thrown into the fiery furnace, 3) that we may thwart the fiery furnace. Each hearer should understand how we have fiery furnaces to challenge our faith.

  • Targeting

    Over the past couple of years, professional and college football have adapted rules to include a penalty for “targeting.” Targeting is defined as forcible contact with the crown of the […]

  • Lessons from the Life of Samson

    In this lesson, we will note three lessons from the life of Samson. Each should become more familiar with Samson's story and be reminded of the truths found in his life. In this sermon, I want to increase awareness of Old Testament events and learn from these stories (Rom.15:4).

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • Escape from Jericho

    Escape from Jericho

    Escaping from Jericho meant 1) Escape for the Spies, 2) Escape for Rahab and her family, and 3) Escape from the Consequences of Sin. In this lesson, we will study the escape of the two spies and Rahab, and learn how we can escape from the consequences of sin through Jesus.

  • bible-questions

    May a Christian Marry a Non-Christian Without Being Unequally Yoked?

    The Christian who marries a person who is morally sound and does not pose a burden to his or her Christian beliefs or practices doesn’t' fall under Paul's prohibition regarding being unequally yoked. Neither does the Christian businessman who is involved with unbelievers in the practice of a legitimate trade necessarily involve being unequally yoked. It is only when one's involvement with an unbeliever would necessarily involve the Christian in sin that such a relationship would be wrong.

  • Honorable Work

    Honorable work 1) Prevents Laziness, 2) Provides for the Needs of Others, 3) Protects from Accusation, 4) Produces Good Works. Each hearer should be able to explain to others why it is an honorable thing to work.

  • escape

    Escape from the Flood

    Noah needed to escape from 1) Sin, 2) The Flood, 3) Starvation, and 4) The Ark. From this lesson, each will understand the account of the flood and the lessons we learn from it. Each will understand that God helps His people escape in times of need.

  • revelation

    The Judgment of the Great Harlot

    In Revelation 17-18 we see the Judgment of the Great Harlot: 1) Her Evaluation, 2) Her Escort, 3) Her End, 4) Her Eulogy, and 5) Her Elimination. The hearer should understand what the Great Harlot symbolizes and how these chapters apply to us today.