Meekness in Service to our God

prayerTITLE: Meekness in Service to our God

SUBJECT: Christian Life

PROPOSITION: To instruct as to God’s general expectation pertaining to man’s motivations and abilities in offering to Him.

OBJECTIVE: To Help us have a meek attitude in stewardship and service

AIM: To allow us to serve God more acceptably


1. Read: 1 Chronicles 29:5

2. About the Text:

1) The people were “willing” to offer to God

2) Rejoicing followed their offering

3. Old Testament admonitions and examples help us understand God and His expectations of us

1) If we offer to God, we should do it with our will aligned with His

2) We can rejoice like others before us if indeed we have done the will of the LORD.

4. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: God wants us to have a meek attitude in stewardship and service ….

I.   So we can recognize His greatness as good things are done

1. 1 Cor 3:6

1) I have planted . No brag

2) Apollos watered Credit where it’s due

3) But God giveth the increase So many times our focus is here and now and on the physical, we forget to acknowledge the spiritual and eternal.

2. Job 1-3

1) Greater than all the men of the East—brought low and eventually made greater that he was before.

2) The Lord giveth – components of humility and gratitude

3) The Lord taketh away

4) Blessed be the name of the Lord – We learn from Job propriety and perspective regarding our personal possessions

3. Abraham – “the LORD will provide”

1) as he would go with the lad Isaac and WORSHIP yonder

2) “Follow Me” lyrics “If just a cup of water…”

3) Principle in parable of the talents – to whom much is given…

II.  So we can understand our own limitations

1. Gideon – a reluctant leader

1) Humility a component of meekness

2) Gideon and his 300 were to lead the people to see their dependence on God

3) Judges 7:2 “too many” gives rise to the false idea “mine own hand hath saved me.”

2. Jonathan – a courageous captain

1) 1 Sam 14 records his humble/meek words with his armorbearer

2) “It may be” acknowledges inferior numbers and small chance of success alone.

3. Solomon – a young seeker of wisdom

1) “who is able to judge this thy so great a people?

2) Sometimes we learn to accept limitations because of adversity

III. So God’s will can be done mightily in us

1. Philippians 2:1-13 Follow example of Christ, and God works in us

2. 1 Corinthians 15:10, 58 Paul and we labor in view of the resurrection, where God will work most mightily in us, over DEATH and HELL

3. 2 Thess 1:11 “we pray.. God would … fulfil ….work of faith and power.”

4. Heb 11:39-40, 12:1 Entire “roll call” termed “cloud of witnesses” as “God having provided some better thing for us”


1. To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin (James 4:17)

1) Do we understand God wants us to be meek in service and stewardship?

2) Can we see the benefits as He reveals them?

3) Let us strive for growth and perfection. (James 1; 2 Pet 3:18)

2. Invitation