Are You willing to Work?

A lack of willingness to work is out of harmony with scriptural principles and examples.  Biblical characters and commands should carry a lot of weight as we set our course in life.  Consider just a few Old Testament examples of good workers:

Noah and sons – built the ark, and later had a vineyard to keep. (Gen 6-8)

People of the Plain of Shinar – built the Tower of Babel, (Gen 11) and were so presumptuously industrious that God intervened.

Abram and Lot (and Isaac, Jacob, and Israelites for several generations) – were herdsmen. (Genesis 12-Exodus 3)

Moses was a persistent and hard working Prophet and Leader of God’s people.  He was counselled to delegate some responsibility. (Exodus, Numbers)

Samuel the last Judge of Israel worked from the cradle to the grave, and even spoke to King Saul after he died. (1 Samuel)

David worked as a young shepherd, then as a fighter, a soldier, and was in survival mode for many years until he became King. (1 Sam 16-2 Sam)

Solomon had much to say about man’s labors as well as laziness.  As a captain of industry, he applied the wisdom God provided him.  (Eccl., 1 Kings)

Consider also a few New Testament examples of good workers:

John the Baptist effectively taught thousands of his generation, drawing their attention to the most significant person the world would ever know.

Jesus worked to the point of exhaustion in urgency to help others and teach them.

The apostles were hand-picked to carry out the Great Commission.

Paul was the last chosen apostle, “as one out of due season,” yet we are given more detail about his labors in the Gospel up until and during imprisonment.  He chose to labor physically at times in order to expedite his more important work of preaching.

I believe we have all of these examples and the details for good reason.  We should benefit from these examples by understanding God would have us be productive, fruitful, abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58).  Surely we cannot be idle and expect a good reception in the Judgment (Mat 25)! jp