Tag: Responsibility

  • clean heart

    Clean Hands or Clean Heart?

    What does it mean to be defiled? The Pharisees had one definition. Jesus had a different definition. In this lesson, we will examine 1) the meaning, 2) the manner, and 3) the menace of defilement. Each hearer will be able to explain that defilement originates in the heart, not from some external source. The aim of this lesson is to communicate that Christianity teaches personal responsibility.

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • God's Response

    God’s Response to Us

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 22:26-28 noticing God’s response to our attitudes. God is not an idle spectator of our lives but responds to the attitudes that we display as we live life every day. Each person should live their life in the knowledge of God’s presence and response to our lives.

  • Escape from Jericho

    Escape from Jericho

    Escaping from Jericho meant 1) Escape for the Spies, 2) Escape for Rahab and her family, and 3) Escape from the Consequences of Sin. In this lesson, we will study the escape of the two spies and Rahab, and learn how we can escape from the consequences of sin through Jesus.

  • worship god

    Leadership of the Spiritual Family

    To be a spiritual leader one must adopt 1) Jesus’ Model of Leadership, 2) Jesus’ Method of Leadership, and 3) Jesus’ Mission of Leadership. Each hearer should know what it means to be a spiritual leader in his/her family. Spiritual leadership means humbling ourselves before God to serve one another in our families.

  • What is love?

    “Can He Depend on You?”

    Can Jesus depend upon us as his servants? Can he depend upon us to 1) Help the needy? 2) Live for Him? 3) Teach the Gospel? Each should know their responsibilities as Christians to help the poor, live in a Christian way, and teach others the gospel. In this lesson, I hope that each would understand that while God does not depend upon us in an existential sense, he does depend upon us, by his choice, to do what he commands us to do.

  • blood

    The Blood that Speaks of Better Things

    In this lesson, we will study of the blood of Christ and that it speaks about 1) The Church, 2) Salvation, and 3) Responsibility. Each hearer should understand the significance of the blood of Christ. I hope to help people think more about the blood of Christ during the Lord’s Supper.

  • ownership

    Taking Ownership of our Family’s Faithfulness

    To take ownership of my family’s faithfulness I must 1) Comprehend the contrast between the spiritual and the carnal. 2) Consistently cultivate the spiritual and cast out the carnal. 3) Care that my children copy my behavior. 4) Consider that it is never too late to change. In this lesson, I hope that each person will understand the responsibility that God has given parents to take ownership of their family. It is the aim of this lesson and series to keep our families faithful to the Lord.

  • The Qualifications and Responsibilities of Deacons

    In this lesson we will examine the office of the deacon, its 1) History, 2) Responsibilities, 3) Qualifications, and 4) Rewards. The hearer should be able to locate and discuss the New Testament passages dealing with the office of the deacon. Considering the appointment of new deacons, I hope to be able to focus thought upon this office and the one being considered for appointment.

  • transformation

    Transforming to the Image of Christ

    In this sermon, we will note that being a Christian requires a person to change his life. How do we do this? We must recognize: 1) Everyone Has Problems, 2) Our Past Does Not Define Us, 3) Winning Requires Effort, and 4) Transformation Takes Time. The hearer should be motivated to make changes in his or her life and to help others make changes in their lives as needed.

  • sword

    Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or a Sword?

    The section of scripture with which we are concerned falls within the sundry warnings that Jesus is giving to his disciples regarding the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  Jesus words to them are basically this.  Don't expect that you will receive a warm welcome out of the unfaithful.  When you preach the gospel, people are going to become your enemies.  In this sense, Jesus' came to bring a sword.  The warning of Micah describing the unfaithful holds true here.  Even among families, there will be division.  This is the typical response of the unfaithful.