Tag: Grow

  • God is Bigger

    There is a scene in the movie Prince Caspian where Lucy approaches Aslan the great Lion (who symbolizes Christ). “’Aslan’ said Lucy ‘you’re bigger.’ ‘That is because you are older, […]

  • Escape from Jericho

    Escape from Jericho

    Escaping from Jericho meant 1) Escape for the Spies, 2) Escape for Rahab and her family, and 3) Escape from the Consequences of Sin. In this lesson, we will study the escape of the two spies and Rahab, and learn how we can escape from the consequences of sin through Jesus.

  • mother

    A Mother’s Advice

    A Mother’s advice is: 1) learn what it means to be principled, 2) listen to your mother and grandmother, 3) treasure every moment you have. This lesson is designed to teach and encourage our youth to live lives of wisdom as advised by mothers.

  • ignorance

    The Danger of Ignorance

    In this lesson we want to discuss the danger of ignorance. We will answer the questions: 1) What is Ignorance and its Causes, 2) What are the Consequences of Ignorance, and 3) How can we Change. The hearer should learn that spiritual ignorance is costly and seek to avoid it. This lesson will inform concerning dangers to our spirituality and life.

  • goals

    Goals and Objectives of the Spiritual Family

    In this lesson, we will discuss 1) what it means to have goals and objectives, 2) failures of the past to pursue spirituality, 3) the one and only goal of the spiritual family, to effect spiritual transformation. Each hearer should understand that whatever is done in life should be done to pursue spiritual transformation. That each listener would understand the need for spiritual transformation.

  • ownership

    Taking Ownership of our Family’s Faithfulness

    To take ownership of my family’s faithfulness I must 1) Comprehend the contrast between the spiritual and the carnal. 2) Consistently cultivate the spiritual and cast out the carnal. 3) Care that my children copy my behavior. 4) Consider that it is never too late to change. In this lesson, I hope that each person will understand the responsibility that God has given parents to take ownership of their family. It is the aim of this lesson and series to keep our families faithful to the Lord.

  • Why did Jesus Die on the Cross?

    Jesus Died on the Cross So We Could Live for Him

    Jesus died on the cross so we could live 1) Freely, 2) Faithfully, 3) Factually. I hope that each will understand that Jesus died so that we can have life both now and in eternity in a free, faithful, and factual way. I hope to encourage the listener to be free in Christ, faithful to Christ and factual with Christ.

  • Ownership

    In Psalm 24:1 we have the basic principle that God owns everything and everybody: “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.” The apostle Paul quotes this Psalm in 1 Corinthians 10:26, 28 further emphasizing the truth.

  • judging

    The Last Will be First and the First Last – A Sermon on Judging

    The kingdom of God is composed of people not expected by men because 1) Men judge based on appearances only, 2) Men do not believe in God’s mercy and grace, 3) Men Make Cheap Sacrifices thinking that will be pleasing to God. Each listener should understand that it is God who sets the standard for who enters His kingdom, not us. I hope that we would seek to understand what God’s standard for the kingdom is so that we can conform to it being a people that doesn’t judge based on appearances, that show true mercy and grace to others, and that understand that we must make real sacrifices.

  • mother

    Praising the Maker of Mothers

    We praise the Maker of our mothers because He made our mothers to be 1) Kind, 2) Compassionate, and 3) Caring. Each listener should be able to understand why God made mothers and the importance of their role within the home.

  • transformation

    Transforming to the Image of Christ

    In this sermon, we will note that being a Christian requires a person to change his life. How do we do this? We must recognize: 1) Everyone Has Problems, 2) Our Past Does Not Define Us, 3) Winning Requires Effort, and 4) Transformation Takes Time. The hearer should be motivated to make changes in his or her life and to help others make changes in their lives as needed.