Never Give Up on Evangelism!

                Today is January 31st (as I am writing this article). I received a very nice thank you letter from Ed Higginbotham in the mail. He wanted to thank me for helping with the baptism of his friends Gene and Sherri on January 10th, 2020. Ed and Gene were High School classmates in 1956 and had been separated by the years. Though they had been in contact on and off, they reconnected on January 10th to discuss spiritual matters. This led to the baptisms. How many years had transpired before his decision to obey the gospel!
                It was prophesied regarding the Messiah, “A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory” (Matthew 12:20, Isaiah 42:3). What does that mean? It means that Jesus never gives up! Jesus doesn’t just go ahead and break the bruised reed. He doesn’t just go ahead and quench the smoking flax. He gives time for the reed to heal and the flax to ignite into flame. Of course, the reed may break and the flax extinguish of itself, but Jesus continues to work on the heart of the sinner until such a time as he either rejects God wholly, or gives himself to God completely. As long as there is hope, Jesus will continue to plead for salvation.
                Have you ever been discouraged because a friend or loved one did not respond to the gospel at the moment you thought they should? Don’t give up! It’s never too late! You never know when the next conversation about spiritual matters might result in salvation for a friend, relative, or loved-one. It happened with Ed Higginbotham, and it can happen to you too!
                God bless you, and I love you.
                Kevin Cauley