Tag: Perfect

  • judgment

    God’s Complete Judgment of Wrath

    Rev.15-16 show God’s complete judgment on the creation. We note that God’s Judgment of Wrath Is: 1) Not for the Victorious, 2) Holy, 3) Executed Perfectly, 4) Complete and Affects the Whole Creation, 5) Blasphemed by the Impenitent, 6) Unexpected, 7) Without Refuge. Each will understand how Rev.15-16 present the characteristics of God’s judgment. I want to help all see how Revelation 15-16 is relevant today.

  • birth of christ

    Lessons from the Birth of Christ

    In this lesson, we will set forth three lessons from Matthew’s account of the birth of Christ: 1) God keeps his promises, 2) Obedience leads to salvation, 3) Jesus is the Messiah. Each hearer should understand these lessons from Christ’s birth. God’s will cannot be thwarted when men do their part in the process of salvation.

  • satan

    Is Ezekiel 28 Discussing Satan?

    This is highly figurative language and as such we should be careful only to interpret it in light of clear biblical teaching.  Verses 1 and 11 are clear that this is speaking regarding the king of Tyre.  In the absence of another clear Biblical teaching regarding Satan's fall, it would be a very unwise course of action fraught with questionable hermeneutics to declare this scripture as a description of the fall of Satan.

  • “I Need Thee Every Hour”

    In this lesson, we will look at the song, “I Need Thee Every Hour” and study how we need God 1) for peace, 2) for help with temptation, 3) in the good times and the bad. We will conclude that we need to identify with Jesus in the invitation. Each listener should understand that God/Jesus is the only one that we truly need.

  • worship god

    Two Hearts

    In this lesson, we will look at two kinds of hearts, 1) The hard heart, and 2) The Soft heart. Each should understand the two hearts, their relationship to God and his word, and which kind everyone should desire to have. To encourage everyone to have the kind of heart that God wants us to have.

  • goals

    Goals and Objectives of the Spiritual Family

    In this lesson, we will discuss 1) what it means to have goals and objectives, 2) failures of the past to pursue spirituality, 3) the one and only goal of the spiritual family, to effect spiritual transformation. Each hearer should understand that whatever is done in life should be done to pursue spiritual transformation. That each listener would understand the need for spiritual transformation.

  • blood

    The Blood that Speaks of Better Things

    In this lesson, we will study of the blood of Christ and that it speaks about 1) The Church, 2) Salvation, and 3) Responsibility. Each hearer should understand the significance of the blood of Christ. I hope to help people think more about the blood of Christ during the Lord’s Supper.

  • cleaning

    Cleaning Up for the New Year

    In this lesson, we will look to the example of good king Hezekiah on how to clean up for our New Year. At the beginning of this new year we must 1) Clean Up Our Temple, 2) Clean Up Our Worship, 3) Clean Up Our Participation, 4) Clean Up Our Giving. Each hearer should resolve to make a new start in the new year so as to be dedicated to serving the Lord.

  • friend

    God Speaks to Our Friends

    In this lesson, we will look at the fact that God speaks to our friends and some things that God has to say to our friends. Each should be able to tell their friends some basic things God has said to them. I want to help make our members more confident about evangelizing their friends.

  • Why did Jesus Die on the Cross?

    Jesus Died on the Cross So We Could Live for Him

    Jesus died on the cross so we could live 1) Freely, 2) Faithfully, 3) Factually. I hope that each will understand that Jesus died so that we can have life both now and in eternity in a free, faithful, and factual way. I hope to encourage the listener to be free in Christ, faithful to Christ and factual with Christ.

  • dragon

    The Failure of the Dragon

    In this lesson we will study through Revelation 12 and note how the dragon fails: 1) To Destroy the Messiah, 2) To Take Over Heaven, 3) To Conquer God’s People. Each hearer should be encouraged that Satan cannot conquer us as long as we remain in Christ.

  • judging

    The Last Will be First and the First Last – A Sermon on Judging

    The kingdom of God is composed of people not expected by men because 1) Men judge based on appearances only, 2) Men do not believe in God’s mercy and grace, 3) Men Make Cheap Sacrifices thinking that will be pleasing to God. Each listener should understand that it is God who sets the standard for who enters His kingdom, not us. I hope that we would seek to understand what God’s standard for the kingdom is so that we can conform to it being a people that doesn’t judge based on appearances, that show true mercy and grace to others, and that understand that we must make real sacrifices.

  • Taking Risks as Christians

    In this study, we will look at different kinds of risks that Christians must take to be Christians. There is the risk of 1) Leaving the ones we love, 2) financial loss, 3) our life and health, 4) public rejection and failure. Each Christian should know what kind of risks he or she faces each day in living the Christian life and be prepared to handle those risks understanding that while there may be "risks" while we are upon the earth, the outcome is guaranteed. I want to spur the brethren on toward taking more risks in these areas because the greater risk one takes the greater reward that is associated with the risk.