Tag: children

  • commands

    Four Commands to Live By

    In this lesson we will discuss the four commands in 1 Peter 2:17: Honor all men; Love the brotherhood; Fear God; Honor the king. The hearer should be able to quote and explain the verse citing a supporting scripture for each point.

  • sea sunny beach sand

    Children and the Church

    In this lesson we will discuss 1) the purpose of the family in having children, 2) the mission of the church in relationship to children, and 3) the need for the church to be involved in the lives of children. This lesson encourages the church to support and be involved in our children’s activities with a view toward growth, and it discusses the relationship of the church to children in an encouraging way.

  • obey the Lord

    Obey the Lord

    In this lesson, we will discuss the command to obey the Lord. We will look at 1) What the command means, 2) Who is responsible to follow it, and 3) Why we must obey it. Each hearer should be impressed with the absolute necessity of obeying the Lord. I hope to communicate with each person what obedience means.

  • beautiful life

    “A Beautiful Life”

    In this lesson we will study the song “A Beautiful Life.” This song emphasizes that the true beauty of the Christian is in 1) serving others 2) pure living, 3) recognizing our mortality. Each hearer should understand that life is fleeting and we need to make the most of every day to do good to others.

  • What is the Church?

    In this lesson, we will answer the question, What is the Church? We must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand what the church is in relationship to God’s great plan to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand God’s desire for unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • God is Bigger

    There is a scene in the movie Prince Caspian where Lucy approaches Aslan the great Lion (who symbolizes Christ). “’Aslan’ said Lucy ‘you’re bigger.’ ‘That is because you are older, […]

  • Blessings of Salvation

    In this lesson, we will look at four blessings of salvation 1) Remission of Sin, 2) Refreshing from the Lord, 3) Restoration of Fellowship, 4) Rejoicing in Heaven. The objective of this lesson is for the hearer to better understand and appreciate the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. In understanding our blessings, we should be motivated to live responsibly.

  • great mothers

    Great Mothers of the Bible

    In this lesson we will look at three great mothers of the Bible 1) Jochebed them mother of Moses, 2) Hannah the mother of Samuel, and 3) Mary, the mother of Jesus. Each hearer will be able to discuss these mothers’ spiritual qualities. It was not worldly values that made these mothers great, but spiritual.

  • Our Worship in Prayer

    In this lesson we will seek to understand how to pray we must consider the Character, Circumstance, Content, and Consequences of prayer. The listener should be able to learn how to pray effectively. The aim of this sermon is to teach the basic concept of prayer and to help those who are learning.