Tag: Philadelphia

  • State of the Church

    I wonder what would happen if Jesus gave a “State of the Church” speech to us today? We really do not have to wonder. He gave such a speech in Revelation 2-3 when he evaluated the seven churches of Asia.

  • Christian Graces – Brotherly Kindness

    A Christian who displays brotherly kindness is going to be 1) Gracious and Giving, 2) Challenging and Truthful, and 3) Affectionate and Loving. The hearer should understand what it means to love someone as a brother or sister in Christ by displaying the characteristics of brotherly kindness. The aim of this lesson is to familiarize the hearer with scriptures that discuss these qualities.

  • lukewarm

    Seven Churches of Asia – Laodicea

    In this lesson we will briefly look at the Asian church of Laodicea. We will note: 1) Some facts regarding the city, 2) Some facts regarding the church at Laodicea, 3) Jesus' message to the church at Laodicea. Each should be able to discuss Revelation 3:14-22 in its historical and spiritual context. To increase awareness of the church at Laodicea and the lessons we can learn from her mistakes.

  • philadelphia

    Seven Churches of Asia – Philadelphia

    To the church of Philadelphia we have a message of 1) Opportunity, 2) Conquering, 3) Help in the time of need, and 4) Steadfastness. We should all be familiar with this letter and gain great encouragement from knowing that God continues to instruct and warn even when we are faithful.