Tag: International

  • love the church

    Born in Sin?

    David was expressing the depth of his guilt by figuratively extending it to his mother’s conception and birth of him. This is not an objective statement about David’s birth; it is a subjective statement about how David felt about his birth after He sinned.

  • culture

    Things Our Culture Doesn’t Want You To Know

    The counter-cultural truths that our culture refuses to accept are: 1) Homosexuality is a destructive lifestyle; 2) Religious people are more charitable than non-religious people; 3) Religious people live better quality lives than non-religious people. Each one will know that being correctly religious is morally praiseworthy, but accepting these prevailing cultural beliefs promotes immorality. Each one will know that it is an objectively good thing to be correctly religious.

  • Summer Vacation

    In the Old Testament, God makes provision for His people to rest. The Jews did not work on the Sabbath day; they were required by God to rest. Exodus 20:8-10 states, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…. In it you shall do no work….”