Tag: culture

  • clean heart

    Clean Hands or Clean Heart?

    What does it mean to be defiled? The Pharisees had one definition. Jesus had a different definition. In this lesson, we will examine 1) the meaning, 2) the manner, and 3) the menace of defilement. Each hearer will be able to explain that defilement originates in the heart, not from some external source. The aim of this lesson is to communicate that Christianity teaches personal responsibility.

  • animal animal photography barbaric big

    He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear

    We need to hear the gospel, but our hearing must be 1) Without Prejudice, 2) With a View toward Obedience, 3) For Self-Correction, 4) To Evangelize Others. Each hearer should be able to understand what the Bible says about hearing the gospel correctly. Each person should be hearing as the Bible teaches us to hear.

  • sanctity of life

    The Sanctity of Life

    We affirm the sanctity of life because 1) It has worth, dignity, and value—it is holy, 2) it is worth living, 3) it is worth protecting. In this lesson, I hope to counter the message of our contemporary culture that life is cheap, meaningless, and worthless for those who have no utility and affirm the sanctity of life.

  • The Sovereignty of God

    For God to be sovereign means that 1) He is Absolute, 2) He is the Authority, and 3) He is in Ultimate Control. The casual nature of our culture does not alter God’s sovereignty. I wish to impress upon everyone that we must do things simply because God said to do them, and that no further explanation is required.

  • culture

    Things Our Culture Doesn’t Want You To Know

    The counter-cultural truths that our culture refuses to accept are: 1) Homosexuality is a destructive lifestyle; 2) Religious people are more charitable than non-religious people; 3) Religious people live better quality lives than non-religious people. Each one will know that being correctly religious is morally praiseworthy, but accepting these prevailing cultural beliefs promotes immorality. Each one will know that it is an objectively good thing to be correctly religious.