Tag: Brotherly Kindness

  • What is love?

    Christian Graces – Love

    To add agape love to our lives we must 1) Know and Believe Jesus, 2) Understand the Proper Place of Self, 3) See Others as God Sees Them. The listener should be able to understand how all the Christian Graces work together to promote agape love through Christ Jesus. This lesson is designed to show how the Christian Graces culminate in love and relate to Jesus and His life.

  • Christian Graces – Brotherly Kindness

    A Christian who displays brotherly kindness is going to be 1) Gracious and Giving, 2) Challenging and Truthful, and 3) Affectionate and Loving. The hearer should understand what it means to love someone as a brother or sister in Christ by displaying the characteristics of brotherly kindness. The aim of this lesson is to familiarize the hearer with scriptures that discuss these qualities.