Our Spring Gospel Meeting Countdown Has Begun!

We are just two weeks away from our Spring Gospel Meeting with Phil Sanders. Please take some brochures and hand them out to your family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Now is the time for them to make their plans to be with us. They will not want to miss this opportunity to hear brother Sanders speak on the topic, “Jesus, Our Hope!” Please be praying for the success of this event. We want as many as we can get to come and hear brother Sanders speak.

Perhaps you are thinking that it will do no good to take some brochures and give them to my family and friends. You would be wrong! It does everyone good. You will gain confidence in promoting the church and the church’s events to others. The recipients will gain valuable information about how and where to hear the preaching of the gospel. The church will gain from the advertising to the community. The television program, “In Search of the Lord’s Way” will gain exposure. Who knows what will happen? God can do above and beyond what we even think (Ephesians 3:20). Our job is to plant and water; the Lord’s job is to give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7). Let’s plant! Let’s water!

What does the New Boston Church of Christ have to offer this community? There is the offer of a real relationship with Jesus. There is the offer of undenominational Christianity. There is the offer of truth in religion. There is the offer of love, peace, and joy. There is the offer of YOU! You are the church. Do you want your friends and family to be with you in the here and now? What about in eternity? Surely we don’t want them to miss out on that!

God bless you, and I love you.

Kevin Cauley