Beginning Today: Our Gospel Meeting: The Cross of Christ

Our gospel meeting is here! Brother Mike Bonner has come to preach to us about The Cross of Christ. This is a fantastic topic and one that we are focusing on here at the New Boston Church of Christ this year. You do not want to miss any of these lessons as they are all going to be outstanding. Our schedule is as follows: Sunday Bible Class: Knowing the Cross of Christ; Sunday Morning Worship: Remembering the Cross of Christ; Sunday Evening Worship: Preaching the Cross of Christ; Monday Evening: Lifting the Cross of Christ; Tuesday Evening: Living the Cross of Christ; Wednesday Evening: Responding to the Cross of Christ. These are excellent lessons for you to invite your friends to come hear! Let’s get the word out to them this week. Ask them to come and listen to the message that brother Bonner has to bring to us. Make this an opportunity for you to do some personal evangelism this week. God will be happy that you are obeying Him; Jesus will be happy that you are seeking and saving the lost; the elders will be happy that you are working to support the church; the members will be happy to see all of the visiting faces; you will be happy to see your friends and neighbors in our assembly.

Remember that after the morning lessons, we will have our monthly potluck in the annex. This will be a wonderful time for you to get to visit with brother Mike Bonner and learn more about him. He is a sociable fellow and loves to spend time with his brothers and sisters in Christ. Be sure to make a little extra for all our guests.

God bless you and I love you.

Kevin Cauley