Tag: God’s Will

  • commands

    Four Commands to Live By

    In this lesson we will discuss the four commands in 1 Peter 2:17: Honor all men; Love the brotherhood; Fear God; Honor the king. The hearer should be able to quote and explain the verse citing a supporting scripture for each point.

  • Moses

    Character Lessons from the Life of Moses

    In this lesson we will look at four character lessons from the life of Moses. He 1) Shunned Sin, 2) Practiced Patience, 3) Erred in Excuses, and 4) Manifested Meekness. Each should have more knowledge of Moses and his character. This lesson seeks to help all understand more about Moses character and the example he sets for us today.

  • Let Us Not Be Ashamed

    Let us not be ashamed 1) To suffer as a Christian, 2) To teach and preach the gospel, 3) To own Jesus as our Lord. Each Christian ought to be more emboldened to act according to God's will, take the gospel message to others, and follow the example of Christ in their life. This lesson is designed to encourage the membership to be zealous in their Christianity.

  • worship god

    Two Hearts

    In this lesson, we will look at two kinds of hearts, 1) The hard heart, and 2) The Soft heart. Each should understand the two hearts, their relationship to God and his word, and which kind everyone should desire to have. To encourage everyone to have the kind of heart that God wants us to have.

  • If I Were a Rich Man

    If I were a rich man, I would recognize, 1) my relationship with God regarding wealth, 2) the reasons God has given for wealth, 3) the problems associated with wealth. The hearer should be able to understand their responsibilities and attitudes toward wealth. I want everyone to have a proper, healthy, and reverent attitude toward the teaching within God's word regarding wealth.