Tag: Faithful

  • Escape from the Fiery Furnace

    As we think about escaping from the fiery furnace, 1) we face the threat of the fiery furnace, 2) we may be thrown into the fiery furnace, 3) that we may thwart the fiery furnace. Each hearer should understand how we have fiery furnaces to challenge our faith.

  • marriage

    How to Have a Great Marriage

    In this lesson, we will discuss six ways to have a great marriage: 1) Put God First, 2) Love One Another, 3) Communicate, 4) Be Intimate, 5) Have Children, 6) Be Faithful. Each hearer should learn what the Bible teaches about having a great marriage and be motivated to live according to God’s word.

  • Loving God's Word

    The Blessings of Loving God’s Word

    As we study through Psalm 119:161-168 we will note that the blessing of loving God’s word brings 1) Awe, 2) Joy, 3) Hatred of Falsehood, 4) Praise, 5) Peace, 6) Hope, 7) Love, and 8) Faithfulness. I hope that each will understand that loving God’s word brings great personal blessing.

  • Loving Our Families

    Loving Our Families As Jesus Loves Us

    Loving our families as Jesus loves us means: 1) Loving Our Families Without Expectations, 2) Loving Our Families Selflessly with Faithfulness, 3) Loving Graciously without Reservation. We must love our families like Jesus loves us to have Jesus living in our homes. If we learn this, then our homes will be great.

  • crossing the jordan

    Crossing the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant

    Crossing the Jordan river with the Ark of the Covenant teaches 1) Man’s Faith, 2) God’s Presence, 3) Man’s Patience, 4) God’s Faithfulness. To understand God’s instrument for bringing His people into the promised land and how it applies to us today. We must put our faith and trust in God if we hope to get to the promised land of heaven.

  • family problems

    Working on Family Problems

    We will look at several biblical principles that will help us in personally cooperating in our families. The objective of this lesson is that each would understand and make application of how to better cooperate with our families, and to help us all learn how to avoid personal problems with one another in our families.

  • helping the church

    Helping the Church Get to Heaven

    In this lesson, we will discuss several practical things that we can do to help one another get to heaven. The objective of this lesson is that each would examine his own life to see if there is more that he/she may do to serve the Lord and help one another get to heaven.

  • Old Covenant

    Uses for the Old Covenant

    In this lesson we want to focus upon some uses of the Old Covenant, namely: 1) It is for our learning, 2) It provides wisdom, 3) It warns us regarding sin, 4) It helps us understand the New Covenant. Each person should understand why we study the Old Covenant. The aim is to help all understand that as Christians, we must study the Old Covenant.

  • ark of the covenant

    The Contents of the Ark of the Covenant

    In this lesson, we will focus on the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and their meaning: 1) Pot of Manna, 2) Aaron’s Rod that Budded, 3) Ten Commandments. The hearer will understand that God gives us reminders as to what is important regarding His love for us, His authority, and our obedience.

  • personal relationship

    Caring for Others

    In this lesson, we will look at Matthew 25:35, 36 as a guide for caring for others. This passage indicates that we should care for others by providing for their 1) Nourishment, 2) Shelter, 3) Clothing, 4) Comfort, and 5) Companionship. We must understand what it means to care about other people. Jesus said that this was key to eternal life.

  • satan

    Is Ezekiel 28 Discussing Satan?

    This is highly figurative language and as such we should be careful only to interpret it in light of clear biblical teaching.  Verses 1 and 11 are clear that this is speaking regarding the king of Tyre.  In the absence of another clear Biblical teaching regarding Satan's fall, it would be a very unwise course of action fraught with questionable hermeneutics to declare this scripture as a description of the fall of Satan.