Tag: Blessed

  • famine

    Escape from Famine

    God provided escape from the famine because Joseph 1) Acted with Integrity, 2) Trusted in God’s Power, 3) Didn’t Give in to Vindictiveness. The hearer should understand that escaping from difficulties requires faith in God on our part to do His will even when we don’t see God working.

  • getting understanding

    Getting Understanding

    We should all desire understanding from God and to understand the Bible. Understanding comes from 1) Effort, 2) Knowledge, 2) Unity. The hearer should understand how we should desire understanding. The aim of this lesson is to set forth ways for desiring understanding.

  • sanctity of life

    The Sanctity of Life

    We affirm the sanctity of life because 1) It has worth, dignity, and value—it is holy, 2) it is worth living, 3) it is worth protecting. In this lesson, I hope to counter the message of our contemporary culture that life is cheap, meaningless, and worthless for those who have no utility and affirm the sanctity of life.

  • worship god

    God’s Commandments – “Worship God!”

    In this lesson about Bible Commandments, we will look at the commandment, “Worship God!” To worship God we must 1) Understand Worship, 2) Acknowledge God as the Object of Worship 3) Put Away Idols that Compete with Worshipping God. Each hearer should know what the command “Worship God” means.

  • new year

    What Will I Make of the New Year?

    What will I make of the New Year? I will make it a year of 1) love, 2) service, 3) optimism. Each should resolve to make this New Year a year of love, service, and optimism. The aim of this lesson is to exhort each Christian to make the best of this new year that they can make of it!

  • Escape from the Fiery Furnace

    As we think about escaping from the fiery furnace, 1) we face the threat of the fiery furnace, 2) we may be thrown into the fiery furnace, 3) that we may thwart the fiery furnace. Each hearer should understand how we have fiery furnaces to challenge our faith.

  • Lessons from the Life of Samson

    In this lesson, we will note three lessons from the life of Samson. Each should become more familiar with Samson's story and be reminded of the truths found in his life. In this sermon, I want to increase awareness of Old Testament events and learn from these stories (Rom.15:4).

  • God's Response

    God’s Response to Us

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 22:26-28 noticing God’s response to our attitudes. God is not an idle spectator of our lives but responds to the attitudes that we display as we live life every day. Each person should live their life in the knowledge of God’s presence and response to our lives.

  • Honorable Work

    Honorable work 1) Prevents Laziness, 2) Provides for the Needs of Others, 3) Protects from Accusation, 4) Produces Good Works. Each hearer should be able to explain to others why it is an honorable thing to work.

  • crossing the jordan

    Crossing the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant

    Crossing the Jordan river with the Ark of the Covenant teaches 1) Man’s Faith, 2) God’s Presence, 3) Man’s Patience, 4) God’s Faithfulness. To understand God’s instrument for bringing His people into the promised land and how it applies to us today. We must put our faith and trust in God if we hope to get to the promised land of heaven.

  • Let Us Not Be Ashamed

    Let us not be ashamed 1) To suffer as a Christian, 2) To teach and preach the gospel, 3) To own Jesus as our Lord. Each Christian ought to be more emboldened to act according to God's will, take the gospel message to others, and follow the example of Christ in their life. This lesson is designed to encourage the membership to be zealous in their Christianity.

  • fear god

    Who is God?

    In this lesson, we will look at the identity of God as revealed in scripture. He is 1) The Eternal One, 2) The Creator, 3) The Redeemer. Each should understand who God is in relationship to the creation and our salvation and to impress upon each one the sovereignty and divinity of God.