Tag: Virtue

  • God is the Father of All

    God is the Father of All because 1) He created All in His Image, 2) He gave His Son for the All the World, 3) He Treats All Without Partiality. The hearer should understand that no one is excluded from a relationship with God. The only barrier is whether we want one or not. The point of this sermon is to remind Christians that God wants everyone in His body, the church.

  • Repent and Turn to God

    To obey the command to repent we must 1) Believe God’s Analysis of Our Condition, 2) Change Our Mind and Attitude, 3) Change our Behavior. Each member should be able to explain what this command means and how to perform it. My aim in this lesson is to encourage in the heart of each person the desire to live a life of repentance.

  • sanctity of life

    The Sanctity of Life

    We affirm the sanctity of life because 1) It has worth, dignity, and value—it is holy, 2) it is worth living, 3) it is worth protecting. In this lesson, I hope to counter the message of our contemporary culture that life is cheap, meaningless, and worthless for those who have no utility and affirm the sanctity of life.

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • escape

    Escape from the Flood

    Noah needed to escape from 1) Sin, 2) The Flood, 3) Starvation, and 4) The Ark. From this lesson, each will understand the account of the flood and the lessons we learn from it. Each will understand that God helps His people escape in times of need.

  • The Blessing of Being Benign

    In this lesson, we want to examine the blessing of being benign, and specifically, that being benign brings blessings in relationship to 1) Authority, 2) Authenticity, and 3) Abundance. The objective of this lesson is to impress upon the hearer the notion that living a life of sin is not “fun,” but harmful, and that it is much more blessed and rewarding to live a benign and harmless life.

  • What is love?

    Christian Graces – Love

    To add agape love to our lives we must 1) Know and Believe Jesus, 2) Understand the Proper Place of Self, 3) See Others as God Sees Them. The listener should be able to understand how all the Christian Graces work together to promote agape love through Christ Jesus. This lesson is designed to show how the Christian Graces culminate in love and relate to Jesus and His life.

  • virtue

    Christian Graces – Virtue

    http://newbostoncoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/christian-graces-virtue.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSTITLE: Virtue SUBJECT: Christian Graces PROPOSITION: To be virtuous like Jesus we must 1) Know the word of God, 2) Demonstrate mercy to […]