Tag: Good

  • marriage

    How to Have a Great Marriage

    In this lesson, we will discuss six ways to have a great marriage: 1) Put God First, 2) Love One Another, 3) Communicate, 4) Be Intimate, 5) Have Children, 6) Be Faithful. Each hearer should learn what the Bible teaches about having a great marriage and be motivated to live according to God’s word.

  • thanksgiving

    Entering God’s Gates with Thanksgiving

    We enter God's gates with thanksgiving because 1) thanksgiving is the only appropriate response for what God has done for us, 2) thanksgiving brings about a change of attitude in our lives, 3) thanksgiving spurs us into action for the welfare and benefit of others. The hearer should be able to state why he ought to have a heart of thanksgiving and how that relates to Christian living.

  • Lessons from the Life of Samson

    In this lesson, we will note three lessons from the life of Samson. Each should become more familiar with Samson's story and be reminded of the truths found in his life. In this sermon, I want to increase awareness of Old Testament events and learn from these stories (Rom.15:4).

  • Muscle Memory

    We train our brain to remember how to do things again and again. I’m glad I don’t every day have to learn again how to walk, or eat, or drink, or talk, etc. We have learned these things and now know how to do them without thinking.

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • “Ivory Palaces”

    In this lesson, we will look at the song “Ivory Palaces” and the Psalm from which it comes as we consider its lyrics. Jesus came out of the Ivory Palaces to 1) Bring us joy by his presence, 2) Die on the cross for our sins, and 3) Receive us to His ivory palaces one day. May we better understand the hymn “Ivory Palaces” when we sing it.

  • Escape from Jericho

    Escape from Jericho

    Escaping from Jericho meant 1) Escape for the Spies, 2) Escape for Rahab and her family, and 3) Escape from the Consequences of Sin. In this lesson, we will study the escape of the two spies and Rahab, and learn how we can escape from the consequences of sin through Jesus.

  • envy

    Do Not Envy This!

    The Bible teaches us some specific things NOT to envy. In this lesson we will note that we ought not to envy 1) the man of violence, 2) the arrogant, 3) the unrighteous and sinner. I want the hearer to be able to know that God has specifically forbidden envy of certain things. We are to avoid envy and especially envy of these specific things.

  • Loving God's Word

    The Blessings of Loving God’s Word

    As we study through Psalm 119:161-168 we will note that the blessing of loving God’s word brings 1) Awe, 2) Joy, 3) Hatred of Falsehood, 4) Praise, 5) Peace, 6) Hope, 7) Love, and 8) Faithfulness. I hope that each will understand that loving God’s word brings great personal blessing.

  • bible-questions

    How Do You Explain the Foreknowledge of God?

    There is a measure of comfort to the foreknowledge of God. It's nice to know that God knows what is happening to me and what is going to happen to me. I can trust that he will take care of every situation in my life. He has the knowledge and the power to so act so as to provide for my entire life. Were such not the case, then what kind of god would we have? One who is unsure of himself and his future. That's not the kind of god that I would desire to worship and serve, would you?

  • Honorable Work

    Honorable work 1) Prevents Laziness, 2) Provides for the Needs of Others, 3) Protects from Accusation, 4) Produces Good Works. Each hearer should be able to explain to others why it is an honorable thing to work.

  • escape

    Escape from the Flood

    Noah needed to escape from 1) Sin, 2) The Flood, 3) Starvation, and 4) The Ark. From this lesson, each will understand the account of the flood and the lessons we learn from it. Each will understand that God helps His people escape in times of need.

  • Is Peter the Rock in Matthew 16:18?

    The word for “Peter” in this verse is the Greek word petros which means a pebble. Jesus goes on to say that upon this rock, petra, he would build his church. The Greek word petra means a large rock such as the ridge of a mountain or the ledge of a cliff. In other words, Jesus is saying, “Peter, you are a tiny pebble, but I am going to build my church on a great big mountain ridge.” What is the giant rock that Jesus would build His church upon? It is nothing else but the confession of Peter that Jesus is the Son of God. Christ is the rock!