Tag: Attitude

  • The Nature of Biblical Edification (Part 3)

    Only the use of verbal communication when combined with spiritual words and an attitude of love can accomplish this task. Knowledge alone does not accomplish this task. Knowledge separated from love does not edify, it merely puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1). However, biblical edification is the loving impartation of spiritual instruction designed to build up the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the student to the motivation of accomplishing the work of the kingdom.

  • The Nature of Biblical Edification (Part 2)

    For something to edify, it must have meaning. Not in the sense of emotion or feeling, but in the sense of the understanding. That is, if something is not intelligible or comprehensible by the intellect, then it cannot edify. True edification can only come through a situation where knowledge and instruction are imparted with the attitude of love.

  • The Nature of Biblical Edification (Part 1)

    However, when I looked into an English dictionary, I found the following definition. “Edify: enlighten, to improve the morals or knowledge of somebody.” Another dictionary said this. “Edify: to instruct or improve spiritually.” Does this surprise you? Do you think of being instructed as edification? Do you think of gaining new knowledge when you are edified?

  • lukewarm

    Seven Churches of Asia – Laodicea

    In this lesson we will briefly look at the Asian church of Laodicea. We will note: 1) Some facts regarding the city, 2) Some facts regarding the church at Laodicea, 3) Jesus' message to the church at Laodicea. Each should be able to discuss Revelation 3:14-22 in its historical and spiritual context. To increase awareness of the church at Laodicea and the lessons we can learn from her mistakes.

  • If I Were a Rich Man

    If I were a rich man, I would recognize, 1) my relationship with God regarding wealth, 2) the reasons God has given for wealth, 3) the problems associated with wealth. The hearer should be able to understand their responsibilities and attitudes toward wealth. I want everyone to have a proper, healthy, and reverent attitude toward the teaching within God's word regarding wealth.

  • wrestling god

    Jacob and the Angel: Wrestling God

    We wrestle with God too. What does it mean to wrestle with God, and how do we win?: 1) We wrestle with God when we seek to impose our will on others and God. 2) We wrestle with God and He with us through life’s troubles. 3) We can win our wrestling match with God by humbling ourselves and trusting in Him. Wresting with God is a good thing if we learn to humble ourselves and trust in God.

  • The Cleansing of the Word

    http://newbostoncoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/psalm-119-9-16-the-cleansing-of-the-word.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDate written: April 7th, 2007 SUBJECT: Passage Study TITLE: The Cleansing of the Word PROPOSITION: The word of God provides cleansing for our […]