Mercy and Salvation Comes from God’s Word

TITLE: Mercy and Salvation Comes from God’s Word

SUBJECT: Psalm 119

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study that mercy and salvation comes from God’s word because God’s word gives us 1) Answers, 2) Liberty, 3) Confidence.

OBJECTIVE: The hearer should understand that when we walk in God’s word we gain mercy and salvation.


1. Read: Psalm 119:41-48

2. About the Text:

1) Psalm 119 is a long Psalm of 176 verses.

2) Each letter of the alphabet praises the word of God.

3) Each section conveys a different truth about God’s word.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: Mercy and Salvation comes from God’s Word which gives us . . .

I.   Answers (41-42)

1. 1Peter 3:15

2. Matt.4:1-11

3. John 6:68-69

II.  Liberty (43-45)

1. Isa.61:1 – proclaim liberty

2. John 8:31-32

3. 2 Peter 2:19

III. Confidence (46-48)

1. Romans 1:16-17

2. 1 John 2:28 – Abide in Him

3. Eph.3:12 – we have confidence in Christ


1. Mercy and Salvation comes from God’s Word which gives us . . .

1) Answers

2) Liberty

3) Confidence

2. Invitation