Managing Conflict – Psalm 25

King DavidTITLE: Managing Conflict – Psalm 25


PROPOSITION: To manage conflict I need 1) Courage, 2) Forgiveness, 3) Fearing God, 4) Patience.

OBJECTIVE: To understand how to manage inevitable conflict according to God’s standards.


1. Read: Psalm 25:1-3

2. About the Text:

1) David was no stranger to conflict.

2) He had conflict with the bears, lions, and wolves.

3) He had conflict with Philistines.

4) He had conflict with Saul.

5) He had conflict with Absalom.

6) David’s prayers can teach us a lot about managing conflict.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: To manage conflict I need . . .

I.   Courage (1-5)

1. Courage begins with prayer and trusting in God.

1) 1 Thessalonians 5:17

2) Proverbs 3:5-6

2. Courage is what we use to battle the problem of shame.

1) For David, shame meant death.

2) Shame has a way of shutting us down.

3) Jesus despised shame – Hebrews 12:2.

4) We must have courage to continue to fight for what is right.

3. God’s teaching gives us courage.

1) It helps us live our daily lives by telling us the truth about life.

2) Psalm 119:105 – They word is a lamp …

3) We are saved by waiting on God to do His work.

4. Courage helps us to manage conflict.

II.  Forgiveness (6-11)

1. Everyone needs forgiveness.

1) We have conflict when we do not recognize this.

2) We have conflict because we will not be forgiving ourselves.

2. God sets the example for forgiveness.

1) We have the Bible’s record to teach us about God’s mercies and lovingkindness.

2) David did not want God to remember his sins.

3) Jesus brought absolute forgiveness of sins – Matthew 26:28.

4) We want God to be merciful to us.

5) Psalm 103:11-14

3. God teaches sinners so that they may have peace with Him.

1) God guides the humble because they are teachable – James 4:10.

2) God keeps covenant with us; will we with Him?

3) God forgives for His name’s sake.

4. Forgiveness helps us to manage conflict.

III. Fearing God (12-15)

1. Fearing God brings the blessings of God.

1) Ecclesiastes 12:13

2) God will be able to teach us with more depth – we need to be open.

3) He will dwell in prosperity (not necessarily wealth).

4) He and his descendants shall inherit the earth – Matthew 5:5.

2. God’s secret is with those who fear Him.

1) God’s secret is not a secret per se.

2) It is simply trusting in God to guide your life – Deuteronomy 30:11-20

3) He will show (demonstrate) them His covenant.

4) When our eyes are on the Lord, He will deliver us from danger.

5) Fearing God entails real consequences.

6) “The righteous shall live by faith” – Romans 1:17

3. Fearing God helps us to manage conflict.

IV.  Patience (16-22)

1. A prayer for mercy with a long list of conflicts

1) When we are desolate and afflicted.

2) When troubles have enlarged our heart.

3) When we are distressed.

4) When we are afflicted and in pain.

5) When we have sin or must deal with the sins of others.

6) When our enemies hate us with cruel hatred.

7) “Not my will but thine be done” – Luke 22:42

2. It takes patience to work through such things.

1) We must commit our souls to God for deliverance.

2) We must put our trust in God.

3) We must walk with integrity and uprightness.

4) We must wait patiently on the Lord.

5) Psalm 40:1 – “I waited patiently on the Lord, and He inclined to me and heard my cry.”

3. God will redeem us from all our troubles by and by.

4. We must have patience to manage conflict.


1. To manage conflict I need . . .

1) Courage

2) Forgiveness

3) Fearing God

4) Patience

2. Invitation