Lessons from the Life of Elijah

TITLE: Lessons from the life of Elijah

SUBJECT: Biography

PROPOSITION: We will note three lessons from Elijah’s life: 1) God provides for the faithful, 2) God confirms His words with actions, and 3) God’s Power for Man’s Salvation is in His Words

OBJECTIVE: Each should be able to discuss 1 Kings 17, 18, and 19 in reference to the life of Elijah the prophet.

AIM: To bring out New Testament principles from Old Testament stories.


1. Read: 1 Kings 17:1-7

2. About the Text:

1) We don’t know much about the origins of Elijah.

2) The Bible says that he was a Tishbite, but scholars are unsure where this area was.

3) In the New Testament John the baptizer’s ministry is compared to the work of Elijah.

a. Matthew 11:14, 17:10-12

b. Luke 1:17

4) Elijah appeared before Jesus in the transfiguration (Matt.17:3, Mark 9:4, Luke 9:30).

a. Moses represented the law.

b. Elijah represented the prophets.

5) Elijah appears, though, at a time when the children of God need someone to take a stand for what is right.

6) Ahab and Jezebel are in power.

7) Jezebel has ordered the deaths of all of the prophets of Jehovah so that the false god Baal may be served (18:3, 4).

8) Elijah’s first act is his prayer for rain to cease upon Israel (3 years and 6 months).

9) This act is referred to by James in the New Testament as an example of faith in God (James 5:17).

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: Some lessons that we learn from the life of Elijah are…

I.   God hears and provides for the faithful.

1. God heard Elijah’s prayer for rain to cease (17:1).

1) James 5:17

2. God then provided for Elijah during this time of drought (17:1-7).

3. When the waters dried up, God provided through a widow (17:8-16).

4. When the widow’s son died, God provided for her through Elijah (17:17-24).

5. God provides for his children today.

1) Romans 11:2

2) Matthew 6:33

3) Hebrews 13:5, 6

4) Romans 8:28

II.  God Confirms His Words with Action

1. Notice 1 Kings 17:24

2. Look at the confrontation with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-40).

3. God’s words have been confirmed today.

1) Mark 16:20

2) Hebrews 2:3, 4

3) John 20:30, 31

III. God’s Power Over Man’s Life Is In God’s Words

1. God proves this to Elijah in Horeb (19:1-14).

2. Romans 1:16, 17

3. 2 Cor.4:7

4. Acts 20:32


1. These three lessons can be easily seen in the life of Elijah.

1) God hears and provides for the faithful.

2) God confirms His words with action.

3) God’s power over man’s life is in God’s words.

2. Invitation