Was 2020 Upside Down, or Were You?

There have been some jokes going around that on December 31st at 11:59 PM, instead of the year changing from 2020 to 2021, we will just stay in the year 2020 and get December 32nd, or the clock will continue ticking at 11:59 and 61 seconds keeping us in the year 2020 instead of letting us move on to the year 2021. That is just the kind of year that many people feel 2020 has been. Most of us are ready to get off this crazy ride.

There really is no magic in the clock changing from 2020 to 2021, though. What we celebrate as the passing away of one period of time and the beginning of another is really a convention that we create to artificially mark our progress. The change is in our mind, not in the world around us. Don’t get me wrong. The world changes, just not on our command, or at the point of time that we impose, but it’s not really the world changing that impacts us so greatly, but our acknowledgement of that change. It’s how we view the change within our own minds. That’s really what the year 2020 was about.

God is telling us something like that in His word as well. He wants us to view things the way He views things, not the way the world seems to dictate to us how to view things. His perspective is the right perspective, but from the world’s point of view, it appears as if He is viewing things upside down (Acts 17:6). That’s what the gospel does. It changes how we view things so that we no longer have a heart that is dead set on reacting to the world’s desires. Instead, we have a heart that is attuned to God.

God bless you, and I love you.

Kevin Cauley