The Death of Orthodoxy


The word “orthodoxy” means correct belief in the original sense of the word. That a belief can be correct or incorrect is not very popular today as many have adopted a multicultural perspective. This popular way of thinking says, “You have your beliefs and they are right for you, and I have my beliefs and they are right for me, but there are no right or wrong beliefs.” To have orthodox beliefs means that they are supported by the teaching of Jesus and the Bible, that is, that they are true. To have unorthodox beliefs means that they are very different from what Jesus and the Bible taught. Today, orthodoxy is ridiculed as being an outmoded way of thinking. It has been replaced by contemporary culture’s social agenda of rejecting just about every teaching of scripture. Nothing is sacred.

God, however, is still on His throne. Jesus Christ reigns supreme. The truth has not changed from when it was given centuries ago. “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever,” (Hebrews 13:8). This means that while the world around us may guffaw at the right doctrines of Christianity, God is not amused, and the time is coming when the world will realize its grave error. What do we do in the meantime? We must continue to be faithful to the word of the Lord; we must be a bastion of truth and right belief. We must not compromise God’s holy word in an attempt to placate an implacable culture, but continue to sound it forth boldly before all. For it is the only way that men may come to know Him, and some will.

God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley