Is Jesus Really Your Lord?

“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).

The word “lord” means a person who has authority and the right to command. In history, a “lord” was a royal personage empowered to oversee townships and lands. He acted as lawgiver, police, and judge. Those who were under his domain were subject to his demands at any moment and had no legal recourse to refuse. Doing what the lord said to do was simply part of the system, and one wouldn’t dare decline without penalty. Obedience was required and expected. What an odd and dangerous situation it would be for a person to call another “lord” and then not do what he says!

Calling Jesus “Lord” and not doing what he says displays a profound ignorance of what a lord really is. It would be like calling a person a teacher who has no pupils or a farmer who has no fields. It also displays deep hypocrisy since one is claiming to have a lord of whom one has no intention of obeying. Would someone think they could get away with flattering Jesus by calling Him Lord? Yet, this seems to be what many actually practice. There are others who would claim obedience to Jesus, but who intentionally will not fully obey. They too stop short of truly owning Jesus as Lord.

Ironically, Jesus isn’t the kind of tyrant that people usually associate with a “lord.” His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Most would rather place themselves under a true oppressor, sin, than willingly submit to the lordship of Jesus. Why would someone do such a thing? Perceived self interest. The devil will give you what you want—temporarily. How much simpler is it to just do what Jesus says and be blessed eternally?

God bless you, and I love you.

Kevin Cauley