“If the Foundations are Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?”

black internal hdd on black surface
Photo by Azamat Esenaliev on Pexels.com

Not too long ago, the hard drive on my computer went kaput. It did not quit all at once. It was a gradual process of degradation. At first, the computer showed error messages. I ran diagnostics on it, and it appeared to be “fixed.” It worked for a while, then, it said, “boot device not found.” I reformatted and reinstalled everything from scratch. Success! Then, more error messages. The operating system continued to find corrupted data. Then, it finally decided to quit booting all together. The problem was at the foundation of the hard drive. It would not work anymore.

In Psalm 11:3, David reiterates a question his advisers were asking him, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” This psalm was written prior to Absalom’s rebellion while he was building power. David’s advisors were worried that Absalom was eroding David’s popularity and support among the people. They were right! David’s responded in Psalm 11:4-5, “The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.” David was not worried about the “foundations,” because His faith was in the Lord who lives in heaven. His foundations will never be destroyed. Kingdoms, governments, and various political systems may come and go, but the Lord will never be moved and neither will those who trust in Him (Psalm 15:5, 55:22).

Nothing in this world lasts. When the hard drive goes bad, what do you do? Buy a new hard drive. However, Christians never have reason to panic. God is not going anywhere. His foundations are secure. May we put our faith and trust in Him!

God bless you, and I love you.

Kevin Cauley