Tag: unfaithful

  • sword

    Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or a Sword?

    The section of scripture with which we are concerned falls within the sundry warnings that Jesus is giving to his disciples regarding the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  Jesus words to them are basically this.  Don't expect that you will receive a warm welcome out of the unfaithful.  When you preach the gospel, people are going to become your enemies.  In this sense, Jesus' came to bring a sword.  The warning of Micah describing the unfaithful holds true here.  Even among families, there will be division.  This is the typical response of the unfaithful.

  • thyatira

    Seven Churches of Asia – Thyatira

    In this lesson we will look at the Asian church of Thyatira. We will note that Jesus knows: 1) The state of the church, 2) Those who are unfaithful, 3) Those who are faithful. Each should be able to discuss the situation in the church at Thyatira. The aim of this lesson is that each would be more familiar with the lessons from this church.