Tag: Questions

  • What is the Gospel?

    What is the gospel? It is 1) the Good News, 2) the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus, 3) the Power of God to Salvation. Each hearer will be able to answer the question, “What is the gospel?” I want to communicate that the gospel is God’s plan for salvation through Jesus Christ.

  • what is sin

    What is Sin?

    What is sin? Sin is 1) lawlessness, 2) violation of conscience, 3) leaving undone what we should do. Each hearer should be able to state what sin is. This lesson seeks to answer a top religious question with Bible teaching.

  • sky woman clouds girl

    What is Reality?

    What is reality? God is real. People are real. Relationships are real. Each listener will know the biblical answer to the question, “What is Reality?” We will focus our thoughts on what is real as opposed to what is not.

  • baptism

    What Must I Do to be Saved?

    In this lesson we will study the question, “What must I do to be saved?” In the scriptures this question was asked three times and we will study each of these circumstances and the answer to the question in each of these circumstances understanding this: that if the same question is asked today, it should be answered in the same way. The hearer should be able to know where these passage are and be able to use them to answer the same question for those who ask in the world today. The aim of this lesson is to empower each individual Christian to be able to answer this most critical question.

  • love of christ

    The Eternal Reign of the Messiah – Psalm 2

    In Psalm 2 we see the eternal reign of the Messiah: 1) The Enemies of the Messiah 2) The Establishment of the Messiah, 3) The Edict of the Messiah, 4) The Ends of the Messiah. The hearer will understand that Psalm 2 prophecies about the eternal reign of the Messiah. Opposition to God’s plans will not succeed but only result in failure and wrath from God.

  • Loving God's Word

    What is the Bible?

    In this lesson, we will seek to answer the question, “What is the Bible.” 1) It means “book.” 2) It is a book of books. 3) It is the word of God. 4) It is the story of God’s work to save man through His Son Jesus Christ. This lesson is designed to help everyone understand what the Bible is. The aim of this lesson is to answer the question “What is the Bible?”

  • marriage

    How to Have a Great Marriage

    In this lesson, we will discuss six ways to have a great marriage: 1) Put God First, 2) Love One Another, 3) Communicate, 4) Be Intimate, 5) Have Children, 6) Be Faithful. Each hearer should learn what the Bible teaches about having a great marriage and be motivated to live according to God’s word.

  • cross

    The Cry of the Cross

    In this lesson, we will study through Psalm 22 noticing how the cry of the cross is echoed in this Psalm. The Cry of the Cross is a 1) Cry of Ultimate Trust, 2) Cry of Death, 3) Cry of Praise, and 4) Cry of Victory. Each hearer should understand the significance Psalm 22 has in relationship to the cross of Jesus. This lesson should impress upon each listener the attitudes that Jesus faced when He went to the cross.

  • Loving our God-Given Family Responsibilities

    For us to love our God-given responsibilities we must 1) Accept how God has made us as men and women, 2) Receive God’s plan for the family, 3) Embrace the responsibilities God has given to us. Each hearer should understand that the responsibilities God has given for the family are not subject to the desires of humanity. When we love our God-given responsibilities, we encourage our families to faithfulness.

  • ignorance

    The Danger of Ignorance

    In this lesson we want to discuss the danger of ignorance. We will answer the questions: 1) What is Ignorance and its Causes, 2) What are the Consequences of Ignorance, and 3) How can we Change. The hearer should learn that spiritual ignorance is costly and seek to avoid it. This lesson will inform concerning dangers to our spirituality and life.