Tag: Purposes

  • sky woman clouds girl

    What is Reality?

    What is reality? God is real. People are real. Relationships are real. Each listener will know the biblical answer to the question, “What is Reality?” We will focus our thoughts on what is real as opposed to what is not.

  • What is the Church?

    In this lesson, we will answer the question, What is the Church? We must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand what the church is in relationship to God’s great plan to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand God’s desire for unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • God is the Father of All

    God is the Father of All because 1) He created All in His Image, 2) He gave His Son for the All the World, 3) He Treats All Without Partiality. The hearer should understand that no one is excluded from a relationship with God. The only barrier is whether we want one or not. The point of this sermon is to remind Christians that God wants everyone in His body, the church.

  • Lessons from the Life of Samson

    In this lesson, we will note three lessons from the life of Samson. Each should become more familiar with Samson's story and be reminded of the truths found in his life. In this sermon, I want to increase awareness of Old Testament events and learn from these stories (Rom.15:4).

  • Muscle Memory

    We train our brain to remember how to do things again and again. I’m glad I don’t every day have to learn again how to walk, or eat, or drink, or talk, etc. We have learned these things and now know how to do them without thinking.

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • God's Response

    God’s Response to Us

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 22:26-28 noticing God’s response to our attitudes. God is not an idle spectator of our lives but responds to the attitudes that we display as we live life every day. Each person should live their life in the knowledge of God’s presence and response to our lives.

  • birth of christ

    Lessons from the Birth of Christ

    In this lesson, we will set forth three lessons from Matthew’s account of the birth of Christ: 1) God keeps his promises, 2) Obedience leads to salvation, 3) Jesus is the Messiah. Each hearer should understand these lessons from Christ’s birth. God’s will cannot be thwarted when men do their part in the process of salvation.

  • goals

    Goals and Objectives of the Spiritual Family

    In this lesson, we will discuss 1) what it means to have goals and objectives, 2) failures of the past to pursue spirituality, 3) the one and only goal of the spiritual family, to effect spiritual transformation. Each hearer should understand that whatever is done in life should be done to pursue spiritual transformation. That each listener would understand the need for spiritual transformation.

  • Ownership

    In Psalm 24:1 we have the basic principle that God owns everything and everybody: “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.” The apostle Paul quotes this Psalm in 1 Corinthians 10:26, 28 further emphasizing the truth.

  • jesus

    Jesus Died on the Cross to Bring Unity for Mankind in the Church

    In this lesson, we will study why Jesus died on the cross. To understand that Jesus brings unity to mankind in the church, we must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand that Jesus died on the cross to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand that Jesus died on the cross to bring unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • Get Ready for Our Gospel Meeting!

    The goal of this and all our efforts is to participate in God’s eternal purpose of building up His church (Ephesians 3:11)! God wants as many people to go to heaven as can possibly go, but He has left us responsible for taking the gospel to others (Matthew 28:18-20).

  • king

    Jesus: King of My Life

    http://newbostoncoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/jesus-king-of-my-life.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSTITLE: Jesus: King of My Life SUBJECT: Jesus PROPOSITION: Jesus is King of my life because 1) He is the God of my […]