Tag: Psalm 119

  • baptism

    What Must I Do to be Saved?

    In this lesson we will study the question, “What must I do to be saved?” In the scriptures this question was asked three times and we will study each of these circumstances and the answer to the question in each of these circumstances understanding this: that if the same question is asked today, it should be answered in the same way. The hearer should be able to know where these passage are and be able to use them to answer the same question for those who ask in the world today. The aim of this lesson is to empower each individual Christian to be able to answer this most critical question.

  • Loving God's Word

    What is the Bible?

    In this lesson, we will seek to answer the question, “What is the Bible.” 1) It means “book.” 2) It is a book of books. 3) It is the word of God. 4) It is the story of God’s work to save man through His Son Jesus Christ. This lesson is designed to help everyone understand what the Bible is. The aim of this lesson is to answer the question “What is the Bible?”

  • Loving God's Word

    The Blessings of Loving God’s Word

    As we study through Psalm 119:161-168 we will note that the blessing of loving God’s word brings 1) Awe, 2) Joy, 3) Hatred of Falsehood, 4) Praise, 5) Peace, 6) Hope, 7) Love, and 8) Faithfulness. I hope that each will understand that loving God’s word brings great personal blessing.

  • Old Covenant

    Uses for the Old Covenant

    In this lesson we want to focus upon some uses of the Old Covenant, namely: 1) It is for our learning, 2) It provides wisdom, 3) It warns us regarding sin, 4) It helps us understand the New Covenant. Each person should understand why we study the Old Covenant. The aim is to help all understand that as Christians, we must study the Old Covenant.

  • fear god

    Who is God?

    In this lesson, we will look at the identity of God as revealed in scripture. He is 1) The Eternal One, 2) The Creator, 3) The Redeemer. Each should understand who God is in relationship to the creation and our salvation and to impress upon each one the sovereignty and divinity of God.

  • worship god

    Two Hearts

    In this lesson, we will look at two kinds of hearts, 1) The hard heart, and 2) The Soft heart. Each should understand the two hearts, their relationship to God and his word, and which kind everyone should desire to have. To encourage everyone to have the kind of heart that God wants us to have.

  • faith

    Does It Matter What We Believe?

    It matters what we believe because 1) Beliefs Produce Actions, 2) Actions Result in Consequences, 3) Happiness Results. Each should be concerned with believing the right things and understanding how not believing the right things is detrimental to our spiritual welfare.

  • guarantee

    God is Our Guarantee for Salvation

    In this lesson, we will study Psalm 119:121-128 and look at God’s guarantee for his servants. God is a guarantee for his servants when we 1) Oppose Pride, 2) Seek Salvation, 3) Pray for God to Act, 4) Love God’s Commandments. The hearer should learn that our participation is required to have God as our guarantee.

  • friend

    What Does it Mean to be a Friend?

    In this lesson, we will look at some Bible principles on friendship: 1) We were made for friendship, 2) Friendship is founded on the good, 3) Friends are Independent, 4) Friendship is Generous. To encourage us to be better friends by understanding the Bible’s teaching.

  • Run

    Why Run the Race?

    This lesson will discuss the three reasons the Hebrew writer gives for running the Christian race in Hebrews 12:1-11. This lesson is designed to encourage to brethren to run the race with patience.

  • God’s Law is a Shield

    When we follow God’s law, God will shield us from many unpleasant things in life including: 1) The Words and Actions of the Wicked, 2) Insecurity for the Future, 3) The Plans of the Wicked, and we may have proper reverence and fear of God. We will study Psalm 119:113-120 and understand that God’s law shields us from many things and helps us to be secure.

  • faithful

    Why Love the Law of God?

    We should love the law of God because: 1) It Gives Us Understanding, 2) It Makes us Upright, 3) It is Uplifting. Each listener should understand what spiritual benefits come from loving the law of God as set forth in Psalm 119:97-104. I hope that each would renew their love for God’s law.

  • faithful

    God is Faithful to Save His Saints

    We will study Psalm 119:89-96: God is faithful to save His saints because 1) He is Dependable, 2) His Saints Delight in His Word, and 3) He Delivers from the Enemy. We study to gain more familiarity with Psalm 119 and the wonderful word of God and to understand how God saves His saints through His faithfulness and theirs.