Tag: Leviticus

  • clean heart

    Clean Hands or Clean Heart?

    What does it mean to be defiled? The Pharisees had one definition. Jesus had a different definition. In this lesson, we will examine 1) the meaning, 2) the manner, and 3) the menace of defilement. Each hearer will be able to explain that defilement originates in the heart, not from some external source. The aim of this lesson is to communicate that Christianity teaches personal responsibility.

  • obey the Lord

    Obey the Lord

    In this lesson, we will discuss the command to obey the Lord. We will look at 1) What the command means, 2) Who is responsible to follow it, and 3) Why we must obey it. Each hearer should be impressed with the absolute necessity of obeying the Lord. I hope to communicate with each person what obedience means.

  • God is the Father of All

    God is the Father of All because 1) He created All in His Image, 2) He gave His Son for the All the World, 3) He Treats All Without Partiality. The hearer should understand that no one is excluded from a relationship with God. The only barrier is whether we want one or not. The point of this sermon is to remind Christians that God wants everyone in His body, the church.

  • New Jerusalem

    New Jerusalem – The Bride, The Lamb’s Wife

    In Revelation 21, we see how the righteous live forever in the city of New Jerusalem. We see 1) The Coming of the City, 2) The Composition of the City, 3) The Consecration of the City. Each hearer should understand that the New Jerusalem is a spiritual city that will be eternally inhabited by the righteous. It is my aim to impress upon each person that this city is the people of God.

  • ark of the covenant

    David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 6 and the account of David’s bringing the ark to Jerusalem. The hearer will consider the errors and successes of David in an effort to understand how God desires us to regard His holy things. It is my aim to teach some lessons regarding holiness in worship.

  • famine

    Escape from Famine

    God provided escape from the famine because Joseph 1) Acted with Integrity, 2) Trusted in God’s Power, 3) Didn’t Give in to Vindictiveness. The hearer should understand that escaping from difficulties requires faith in God on our part to do His will even when we don’t see God working.

  • Does the Bible Teach Socialism or Communism?

    Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.

  • Old Covenant

    Uses for the Old Covenant

    In this lesson we want to focus upon some uses of the Old Covenant, namely: 1) It is for our learning, 2) It provides wisdom, 3) It warns us regarding sin, 4) It helps us understand the New Covenant. Each person should understand why we study the Old Covenant. The aim is to help all understand that as Christians, we must study the Old Covenant.

  • presumption

    The Danger of Presumption

    In this lesson, we will study about the danger of presumption in salvation, worship, and living. Each hearer should recognize that the sin of presumption is dangerous to our doing things as God desires us to do them.

  • ignorance

    The Danger of Ignorance

    In this lesson we want to discuss the danger of ignorance. We will answer the questions: 1) What is Ignorance and its Causes, 2) What are the Consequences of Ignorance, and 3) How can we Change. The hearer should learn that spiritual ignorance is costly and seek to avoid it. This lesson will inform concerning dangers to our spirituality and life.

  • judging

    The Last Will be First and the First Last – A Sermon on Judging

    The kingdom of God is composed of people not expected by men because 1) Men judge based on appearances only, 2) Men do not believe in God’s mercy and grace, 3) Men Make Cheap Sacrifices thinking that will be pleasing to God. Each listener should understand that it is God who sets the standard for who enters His kingdom, not us. I hope that we would seek to understand what God’s standard for the kingdom is so that we can conform to it being a people that doesn’t judge based on appearances, that show true mercy and grace to others, and that understand that we must make real sacrifices.