Tag: God Speaks

  • ark of the covenant

    The Contents of the Ark of the Covenant

    In this lesson, we will focus on the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and their meaning: 1) Pot of Manna, 2) Aaron’s Rod that Budded, 3) Ten Commandments. The hearer will understand that God gives us reminders as to what is important regarding His love for us, His authority, and our obedience.

  • friend

    God Speaks to Our Friends

    In this lesson, we will look at the fact that God speaks to our friends and some things that God has to say to our friends. Each should be able to tell their friends some basic things God has said to them. I want to help make our members more confident about evangelizing their friends.

  • friend

    Being a Friend of God

    In this lesson, we will look at what it means to be a friend of God. One is God's friend when he 1) Loves God with all his heart, soul, and mind, 2) Does what God wants him to do simply because God has asked us to do it, 3) Tells others about what a great friend God is. Each hearer should be able to understand what it takes to be a friend of God. I want everyone to be motivated to make God their friend.