Tag: Genesis

  • sky woman clouds girl

    What is Reality?

    What is reality? God is real. People are real. Relationships are real. Each listener will know the biblical answer to the question, “What is Reality?” We will focus our thoughts on what is real as opposed to what is not.

  • paradise

    Paradise Reclaimed

    Revelation 22 pictures paradise reclaimed and offers a path to it. In this chapter we find 1) A Reward for the Faithful 2) A Watch for the Living, 3) A Warning for the Wicked. The hearer should understand that God is working to restore us to His original plan and we must obey him to get there.

  • What is the Church?

    In this lesson, we will answer the question, What is the Church? We must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand what the church is in relationship to God’s great plan to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand God’s desire for unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • God is the Father of All

    God is the Father of All because 1) He created All in His Image, 2) He gave His Son for the All the World, 3) He Treats All Without Partiality. The hearer should understand that no one is excluded from a relationship with God. The only barrier is whether we want one or not. The point of this sermon is to remind Christians that God wants everyone in His body, the church.

  • Lessons from the Life of Adam and Eve

    In this study we will observe some lessons from the life of Adam and Eve. 1) God is our creator. 2) God's commands are for our benefit. 3) Satan is our enemy. 4) Sin separates man from God. Each listener should be able to apply these lessons from the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1-3. The aim of this lesson is to review the first three chapters of the Bible specifically as applies to man and to learn not to repeat the mistakes that were made by Adam and Eve.

  • famine

    Escape from Famine

    God provided escape from the famine because Joseph 1) Acted with Integrity, 2) Trusted in God’s Power, 3) Didn’t Give in to Vindictiveness. The hearer should understand that escaping from difficulties requires faith in God on our part to do His will even when we don’t see God working.

  • sanctity of life

    The Sanctity of Life

    We affirm the sanctity of life because 1) It has worth, dignity, and value—it is holy, 2) it is worth living, 3) it is worth protecting. In this lesson, I hope to counter the message of our contemporary culture that life is cheap, meaningless, and worthless for those who have no utility and affirm the sanctity of life.

  • Loving God's Word

    What is the Bible?

    In this lesson, we will seek to answer the question, “What is the Bible.” 1) It means “book.” 2) It is a book of books. 3) It is the word of God. 4) It is the story of God’s work to save man through His Son Jesus Christ. This lesson is designed to help everyone understand what the Bible is. The aim of this lesson is to answer the question “What is the Bible?”