Tag: Fulfilling

  • What is the Church?

    In this lesson, we will answer the question, What is the Church? We must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand what the church is in relationship to God’s great plan to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand God’s desire for unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • God's Response

    God’s Response to Us

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 22:26-28 noticing God’s response to our attitudes. God is not an idle spectator of our lives but responds to the attitudes that we display as we live life every day. Each person should live their life in the knowledge of God’s presence and response to our lives.

  • faith

    Does It Matter What We Believe?

    It matters what we believe because 1) Beliefs Produce Actions, 2) Actions Result in Consequences, 3) Happiness Results. Each should be concerned with believing the right things and understanding how not believing the right things is detrimental to our spiritual welfare.

  • world

    Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross? Because God So Loved the World

    Jesus died on the cross because God loved the world enough to sacrifice His own Son for the world’s salvation. Each listener should be able to explain how God’s love motivated Him to sacrifice His Son, Jesus. Jesus died on the cross because 1) God is a God of Love, 2) The World Needed True Love, 3) The Son Demonstrated that Love. I hope that the listener would understand God’s motives in sending His Son to die on the cross.

  • The Blessing of Being Benign

    In this lesson, we want to examine the blessing of being benign, and specifically, that being benign brings blessings in relationship to 1) Authority, 2) Authenticity, and 3) Abundance. The objective of this lesson is to impress upon the hearer the notion that living a life of sin is not “fun,” but harmful, and that it is much more blessed and rewarding to live a benign and harmless life.

  • desire

    Empire of Desire

    To avoid building an empire of sinful desire we must 1) Know Our Own Desires, 2) Distinguish Between Legitimate and Illegitimate Desires, 3) Recognize Our Ultimate True Desire. The hearer should be able to impede sinful desires and facilitate desires for Jesus. In this sermon, I want to impart some spiritual tools whereby the hearer will be able to recognize his/her desires.