Tag: Exodus

  • paradise

    Paradise Reclaimed

    Revelation 22 pictures paradise reclaimed and offers a path to it. In this chapter we find 1) A Reward for the Faithful 2) A Watch for the Living, 3) A Warning for the Wicked. The hearer should understand that God is working to restore us to His original plan and we must obey him to get there.

  • footprints

    The Invisible God

                    One of God’s attributes is that He is invisible. Paul wrote, “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever […]

  • What is the Church?

    In this lesson, we will answer the question, What is the Church? We must understand God’s original design in the creation. When we understand this, we will understand what the church is in relationship to God’s great plan to restore unity between God and man, and between man and man. Each member should understand God’s desire for unity in the church as the restoration of His purposes in creation.

  • New Jerusalem

    New Jerusalem – The Bride, The Lamb’s Wife

    In Revelation 21, we see how the righteous live forever in the city of New Jerusalem. We see 1) The Coming of the City, 2) The Composition of the City, 3) The Consecration of the City. Each hearer should understand that the New Jerusalem is a spiritual city that will be eternally inhabited by the righteous. It is my aim to impress upon each person that this city is the people of God.

  • Blessings of Salvation

    In this lesson, we will look at four blessings of salvation 1) Remission of Sin, 2) Refreshing from the Lord, 3) Restoration of Fellowship, 4) Rejoicing in Heaven. The objective of this lesson is for the hearer to better understand and appreciate the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. In understanding our blessings, we should be motivated to live responsibly.

  • great mothers

    Great Mothers of the Bible

    In this lesson we will look at three great mothers of the Bible 1) Jochebed them mother of Moses, 2) Hannah the mother of Samuel, and 3) Mary, the mother of Jesus. Each hearer will be able to discuss these mothers’ spiritual qualities. It was not worldly values that made these mothers great, but spiritual.

  • Moses

    Character Lessons from the Life of Moses

    In this lesson we will look at four character lessons from the life of Moses. He 1) Shunned Sin, 2) Practiced Patience, 3) Erred in Excuses, and 4) Manifested Meekness. Each should have more knowledge of Moses and his character. This lesson seeks to help all understand more about Moses character and the example he sets for us today.

  • ark of the covenant

    David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem

    In this lesson, we will study 2 Samuel 6 and the account of David’s bringing the ark to Jerusalem. The hearer will consider the errors and successes of David in an effort to understand how God desires us to regard His holy things. It is my aim to teach some lessons regarding holiness in worship.

  • fear god

    Fear God!

    In this lesson, we will learn what it means to fear God: 1) Emotionally, 2) Behaviorally, and 3) Spiritually. Each person will understand that God has commanded us to fear Him so as to order our lives correctly, and failure to fear God leads to destruction.

  • Honorable Work

    Honorable work 1) Prevents Laziness, 2) Provides for the Needs of Others, 3) Protects from Accusation, 4) Produces Good Works. Each hearer should be able to explain to others why it is an honorable thing to work.

  • crossing the jordan

    Crossing the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant

    Crossing the Jordan river with the Ark of the Covenant teaches 1) Man’s Faith, 2) God’s Presence, 3) Man’s Patience, 4) God’s Faithfulness. To understand God’s instrument for bringing His people into the promised land and how it applies to us today. We must put our faith and trust in God if we hope to get to the promised land of heaven.

  • Old Covenant

    Uses for the Old Covenant

    In this lesson we want to focus upon some uses of the Old Covenant, namely: 1) It is for our learning, 2) It provides wisdom, 3) It warns us regarding sin, 4) It helps us understand the New Covenant. Each person should understand why we study the Old Covenant. The aim is to help all understand that as Christians, we must study the Old Covenant.

  • ark of the covenant

    The Contents of the Ark of the Covenant

    In this lesson, we will focus on the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and their meaning: 1) Pot of Manna, 2) Aaron’s Rod that Budded, 3) Ten Commandments. The hearer will understand that God gives us reminders as to what is important regarding His love for us, His authority, and our obedience.