Our Work for Marriage

We have a big weekend coming up October 2-4!  Our fall event is a marriage seminar.  You may be thinking, “Why would I need to attend a marriage seminar?”  Maybe you have a great marriage.  Maybe you are single.  Maybe you are no longer married.  Maybe you think you don’t NEED to attend a marriage seminar.  Let’s think about a few reasons why you should attend.
First, you should want to attend our marriage seminar because the Bible will be taught.  The topic of marriage is part of the whole counsel of God, and we need to know all of God’s counsel.  God’s word is always relevant even if we don’t see the application at the moment.  We need to hide God’s word in our hearts so that we may not sin (Psalm 119:11).
Second, we need to know what the Bible says about marriage.  Our culture is in great distress over the institution of marriage.  None of us wants to see Satan prevail.  Marriage is a fight in which we all participate, and we can promote godly marriage.  We need to be armed with the “sword of the Spirit” on this topic (Ephesians 6:17).

Third, the principles of the Bible that apply to marriage help all relationships.  This seminar is really about loving your neighbor as you love yourself (Matthew 22:39), and everyone needs to know how to do that.

Finally, attendance encourages our work!  This is an opportunity to draw near to our brothers and sisters in Christ, learn more about their life, and encourage all to faithfulness (Hebrews 10:24-25).  You could be the person who saves someone’s marriage.  We want your encouraging voice present!  So, make your plans to be with us for our marriage seminar!  God bless you, and I love you.